Saturday, June 18, 2016

Gracyn's First Birthday

I always have plans to throw an elaborate birthday party for my kids. Not one time has that ever happened.

We do always have a great time though and Gracyn's first birthday was no exception. We kept it simple and ate donuts and let the kids play in the kiddie pool in the backyard. 

Some of my favorite birthday memories were made with just a few close friends and family not doing anything fancy. I smile thinking about our kids having those same kind of memories. 

Happy first birthday to our one and only baby girl. This year flew by at lightning speed but it has been so fun watching you grow. 

Updated: I FINALLY figured out how to add this stinkin' video on here. Whew....

I made this after taking a Skillshare class on how to take fancy videos using your iphone. Not the offical title, of course. I am looking forward perfecting this skill and making many more videos for our family to treasure forever.