Thursday, June 29, 2017

Howell Family Reunion 2017

It was the first time ever that all of the great-grand kids have been together in one place. We made lots of new memories and this hopefully was the start of many more reunions to come!   

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Gracyn's 2nd Birthday Questions

If I had to describe Gracyn in one word it would be sassy. 
This girl has enough sass for a herd of toddlers. 
Thankfully, she makes up for it by also being unbelievably sweet.
our own personal little sour patch kid. 

Happy Birthday Gracyn Girl!
We love you more than you will ever know. 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

When You Give Three Kids Some Ice Cream...

Mostly likely their crazy mom will want to take their picture.

I have been trying to get out of the habit of only using my phone to take pictures. My Facebook memories keep reminding me that I use to be better about this. I love when their old pictures come up but it also makes me sad that it's been so long since I have taken good pictures of them. Don't get me wrong, I have about a million pictures of my kids. They are just not the kind of pictures I really want for memories. So today I broke out the camera, shoved all the junk on our table aside (although, I left the crusted on oatmeal) and took some pictures of the kids.

Making videos has been a fairly recent hobby of mine. I have tried a few different formats but I think the style of this video is my favorite and I am going to try to make them more often.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Charlie's 3rd Birthday Interview (6 Months Late)

Well, better late than never right?

I thought about just waiting until next year but I know that he is going to change so much in the next 6 months that it was worth it to still do it now. I don't want to forget how adorable his little voice sounds.