Thursday, February 4, 2016

New Years Resolutions, Too Late?

Yes, I realize it's February. I apologize.

I just wanted to share them here and recommit to completing them, or at least trying my best!

1) Move to Texas (not so much a resolution but I know I can complete it so on the list it goes!) 

2) Sell 20 items (I recently started an etsy and am hoping this is an easy goal to reach. 1 down 19 to go.) 

3) Only go on Facebook on Saturdays (I have cut back on the book but I still have withdrawals. All the more reason to cut back more!) 

4) Blog more (I love this space!) 

5) Get organized (with everything)

6) Stick to a chore chart (because I hate cleaning but love lists)

7) Play more games with the kids (they love board games! It may be a huge pain with a toddler and a baby but we are really craving more variety in our day) 

8) Go outside more ( Again the kids love it and it's not like I don't like it, it just takes FOREVER to get everyone ready. It's a bad excuse, so I'm going to make more of an effort.) 

9) Daily bible reading (I have actually been doing okay at this one but have skipped some days)

10) Eat healthy and Workout (yeah...moving stress has me eating all sorts of bad things. I am vowing right now, after our groceries get delivered tomorrow, I will eat healthier!) 

Did you make resolutions this year? How are you doing with them? I would love to hear about it! 

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