Monday, September 26, 2016

Cranky Kids, Baths, and Target, Oh My!

I took the kids (2 out of 3) to Target solo for the second time since having Gracyn. This time went MUCH smoother than the first. I did speed my way through the store to avoid any toddler melt downs, but it also kept me from buying all of the cute fall decorations. 

Seriously, it's all so stinking cute. 

I had planned on doing a lot more today but sometimes cranky kids have their own ideas. I think having a successful Target trip solo with two toddlers still counts as winning. 

Also, after styling Charlies hair today it's not as bad as I initially thought. It still needs to be fixed but I don't think I will be judged when I bring him out in public. 

Right? Maybe?!


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