Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cork Coasters

Now that we are getting more settled into our new house I thought it would be fun to share some things we have been up too. Both house projects and pictures of some of our adventures.

Today is just something quick and easy that I did as a last minute project.

I made some cork coasters with a left over cork tile that use to be up in Logan's room. I am hoping this will help cut back on the amount of cups we use daily. The less dishes I have to do the better!

I made a template on a piece of paper using the cups we use the most. 

I traced the template onto the cork with a sharpie. Then I cut it out using a sharp pair of scissors. My hands were killing me by the end!  

These were my first two attempts. Horrible. 

I like the way these turned out MUCH better. I may add some color to the bottom half but I'm not sure yet. I will just live with them for a few days then see how I feel. 

I REALLY love projects that use things I already have or have found for free.
So I think these are pretty great. 

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