Friday, October 4, 2013

Hey There Fall, You've Been Missed

Fall is my favorite. Of all time. 
So, I have a few posts lined up all revolving around fall. 

1) Favorite fall boys clothing - I will be sharing some things I have bought (or want to buy) the boys for the fall/winter season. Boy clothes can be cute too!

2) Favorite fall recipes - both things I have tried and things I am going to try (eventually). 

3) Our house - I am in the process of decorating for fall! I am not even done yet and our house already feels super cozy. I can't wait until it's complete!

4) Pumpkin patch - We are going to the pumpkin patch and I am super excited. It doesn't get more fall than that! I was trying to find pictures of the past two years at the pumpkin patch but apparently I didn't take any last year...bummer. Anyways, here are a couple of pictures from two years ago. 


Gah, he has grown up so much! 

And now for something completely random. 

I created a little fall art. Not really sure how I feel about it. I don't love it but I don't hate it either. The tail kinda weirds me out. I am going to print it out and put it up with some of our other decorations and then see how I feel about it. After all that work though I thought I would at least show somebody, haha.

Also, If you have seen my facebook post about our new chalkboard, you may have noticed that I have the same quote up there. I am changing the chalkboard. Another thing I am not thrilled with. It's so hard to come up with something for such a big space. Kinda intimidating but it's a fun challenge. 




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