Thursday, December 12, 2013

4 weeks

I can't believe Charlie has been here for 4 weeks already. Then again, it feels like he has been here forever and I can't even remember what it was like before he was here. Although the not remembering part my just be the lack of sleep. Ha!

It's amazing to me how much he has grown in just 4 short weeks. He weighed 8lbs 8oz at birth and at his two week appointment he weighed in at 9lbs 14oz. Just 1oz shy of his big brothers birth weight. Yikes.

So far Charlie is such a happy and sweet baby. Also, super strong. The boy is already holding his head up like a champ. His favorite things this month have been: EATING, sleeping, being swaddled, cuddling, staring at people, and his big brother.

Charlie smiled for the first time at Logan. Logan thought it was awesome and so did I. Logan walked up to Charlie to say "Hi, Charwie" as he often does and Charlie starts turning his head to try and find where Logan's voice was coming from and when he found his brother he just gave him the biggest smile. My heart = melted. I can hardly wait to until Charlie is old enough to actually play with Logan. It's going to be so fun!

Just for fun here is a comparison picture of Logan at one month.

He was so much longer than Charlie. Logan was 23in at birth and Charlie was only 19in.

Here are some close-ups of their faces for a little better comparison.



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