Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A House Elf Would Be Nice

Cleaning and having a dirty house are two things that I despise. 

It's unfortunate, I know. 

I feel like I am constantly bouncing between cleaning so that I stop feeling sorry for myself (I hate living in a dump, why can't I have a house elf) and refusing to clean so I can do "more important things"  (reading Goodnight Moon for the millionth time).

It's been a real struggle for me to find my rhythm. I have always hated cleaning but with each baby we add it gets more difficult to figure out a good schedule. I feel like if I do all the important things I will never have time to do anything for myself (to regain my sanity). I know that this is temporary. As our kids get older I can see that it gets easier to get into a good schedule. For now I will try my best everyday until the day where I no longer feel like I am drowning in to do lists. 

Now I better stop procrastinating and start another load of laundry. 

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