Thursday, May 25, 2017

When You Give Three Kids Some Ice Cream...

Mostly likely their crazy mom will want to take their picture.

I have been trying to get out of the habit of only using my phone to take pictures. My Facebook memories keep reminding me that I use to be better about this. I love when their old pictures come up but it also makes me sad that it's been so long since I have taken good pictures of them. Don't get me wrong, I have about a million pictures of my kids. They are just not the kind of pictures I really want for memories. So today I broke out the camera, shoved all the junk on our table aside (although, I left the crusted on oatmeal) and took some pictures of the kids.

Making videos has been a fairly recent hobby of mine. I have tried a few different formats but I think the style of this video is my favorite and I am going to try to make them more often.

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