Thursday, August 8, 2013

Only 14 Weeks Left!

I forgot what it's like to be this pregnant.
My back hurts and I'm tired. 
Unlike last time though I know how awesome it is once this little guy makes his arrival.
Despite the sleepless nights and crying, these little people are pretty awesome. 
So, I am trying soak up these last 14 weeks of being a family of three.
Only 14 weeks!
It's going to fly by.
Our lives our going to change. 
It's going to be awesome. 
and exhausting.

With only 14 weeks left I decided I am going to knit some baby booties.
I don't know why I decided this seeing as I don't knit.
Luckily I have recruited a friends help.
I will finish them one way or another.
They may look ridiculous but my baby will wear them.
Assuming that I make them the right size...

Now for some random pictures I took with my brothers lens.
I will soon be forced to return it. 
I have major lens envy.


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