Monday, September 16, 2013

Freezer Party

This month I am attempting to do freezer meals. I am calling it a party in hopes that it will make the process at least a little fun. This morning I went shopping for the most food that I have ever bought at one time. The amount of meat that was purchased in one shopping trip is insane. I signed up for "once a month mom" which is a website that does all the meal planning for you. All I had to do was choose our menu for the month and they gave me a grocery list and instructions on how to prepare/freeze everything. They have many different categories of food and lots of food plans for each month so that way all the produce is in season. I am pretty excited about trying it out. I will let you all know how my "party" goes.

Now I am off to get my kitchen totally clean so that I can completely destroy it tomorrow and then clean it up again. Good times.

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